


Our IT staff delivers fast -support services
diagnosing and resolving product errors,
installation, configuration, procedural
questions to ensure continued high reliability
and operational
of our products.

We provide software application, customization, training, implementation, hardware and other computer-related problems support. services.

Support assistance troubleshooting problems and issues, remotely or on site.

Software products and technologies covered include custom operating systems, application software, andinfrastructure software and upgrades.

Dedicated to providing our clients with the fastest possible technical support. As a result there are three levels of support to help you achieve the best possible service.


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Provides user guidance for operations, install problems break fix phone support. Immediate to the appropriate level for more severe issues.

Highly trained staff will assist
in fixing complex problems
providing workarounds,
software and  functional
problems. Escalation to level 3
for software code problems.

Software engineer's diagnoses
and fix application code, configuration, environment and other advance issues and problem resolution.


As part of our support structure 
we are
utilizing RoboHelp®

  Software to develop browser based Help system that  includes powerful natural language searches and end user feedback capabilities.


If you have any questions, or need to
Customer Support use the form below

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                    Call us we look forward to  helping you.
        Phone: 317-938-6892

Labins Consulting Services
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