Laboratory Instrument Interfaces
Installing laboratory equipment is vital to your lab. We are experience in a wide range of laboratory instruments and can assist you in planning, layout, installation and maintenance.
If you find that you need help working with instrument vendors, training or just have questions give us a call.
The instrument interface a means of communication between the patient management system and the laboratory instrument.
Data, such as tests and accession numbers translates, into a language which
the instrument can understand.
Instrument Interfaces The Design, Testing, Implementation, Support And Training
Specimen Management Routing and Tracking (SMART) module
- Create test orders
- Accessioning of specimens
- Routing of specimens to appropriate performing laboratories
- Perform quality assurance checking
- Review and verification of test results
- Analysis and reporting of quality control data
- Lab Instrument Interface
- Meet accreditation criteria set forth by regulating bodies and agencies
Setup communications protocol (tcp/ip address), hardware, unit testing and Instrument Specific Maintenance.
1. Create or modify collection worklist.
2. Verify instruments upload and download
3. Verify demographics and result on Instrument
4. Instrument calculations test and verification
5. Reflex orders and reflex credits
6. Verify instrument interface & results processor
7. Calculated variable based on condition, function, arithmetic expression
Some of the interfaces we install and maintain.
Galileo Blood Bank Analyzer Upload
Beckman Coulter Hematology
Evolis Chemistry Analyzer
Clinitek Status Analyzer
IRIS 200IQ Urinalysis Analyzer
Chemistry Analyzer
Clinical Immunology
Hot Air Oven
Micro bioreactor
HistoCore SPECTRA ST Stainer
Atomic Absorption
We provide a high level of technical expertise in the design, implementation, testing, support
and user training for new instrument interfaces or lab tests For more detailed information about
how you can achieve better system performance.
Contact Client Support for more information
Labins Consulting Services
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