About Us

Downtown Tucson, Arizona
Mission Statement:
With an understanding of laboratory rows and requirements. Our challenge is to provide technical expertise in the rapid development of low-cost high quality and reliable software. We have an uncompromising commitment to customer satisfaction and success.
Labins Consulting Services (LCS) Headquartered in Tucson Arizona is a IT Healthcare consulting firm with over 25 years experience in development, implementation and support of clinical laboratory systems.

LCS specializing in creating and supporting custom user programs that fit the special needs of your Clinical laboratory systems.

Creating and supporting user
programs and add-on functions to
fitthe demand of your laboratory
system. LCS subscripts to
methodologies established by
Project Management Institute and
Agile scrum development processes.

Our standards and practices insure
the best possible product that meet or
beats scheduled project timelines.
We e specialize in creating and suppor
ting user programs and add-on functions
to fit the demands of your laboratory
system. LCS subscripts to a methodologie
Technical and engineering staff work from a virtual offices remotely
access your site from anywhere in the world. This practice sometimes
called telecommuting is becoming widespread among vendors that
install and support hardware and software systems. Using virtual offices
reduces overall operating costs andthe amount of physical office space
required, a saving we pass on to you in our pricing of development and
support projects Labins greatest asset is its employees who work out of
virtual offices who operat at increased accuracy and productive
We also provide on site installs and support.
Call us we look forward to helping you.
7am - 6pm Mon - Fri (Pacific Standard Time)
Phone: 317-938-6892
Email: support@labins.com
Labins Consulting Services
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